Tips gizi dikala patah hati #eaaa



Hallo readers,

Mungkin dari kamu ada yang pernah patah hati, gak lulus ujian, gak segera ketrima kerja, dimarahi mama papa, atau putus sama pacar. Ya, ujung-ujungnya semua cobaan itu bikin hati atitt kan.. #pengalaman pribadi saya hehe

hatiku diisolasi #eaaa

So guys, now. I will explain a little bit about Gizi Sehat untuk depresi dan cemas. Ya. For the first apa sih depresi ?

Depresi adalah sejenis gangguan jiwa yang ditandai dengan suasana hati yang merosot seperti muram, sedih, dan perasaan tertekan (Wikipedia, 2013)

Sementara itu, cemas atau kecemasan sebenarnya meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan membuat tubuh bersiap melakukan suatu tindakan.Namun, kecemasan yang intens dan muncul tanpa alasan yang jelas berpotensi mengurangi kualitas hidup dan membuat seseorang tidak bisa menjalani hidup secara normal.Kecemasan merupakan salah satu gangguan emosional yang paling umum, yang ditandai dengan beberapa gejala emosional dan fisik seperti rasa takut, panik, mimpi buruk, pikiran obsesif tak terkendali, terganggu terus menerus dengan pengalaman traumatis, gangguan tidur, ketegangan otot, detak jantung meningkat, keringat dingin, dan gangguan pencernaan (, 2013).

Ya, kamu pasti pernah dong ngalamin kayak ginian.. pas mo ujian mungkin, pas mau nembak gebetan.. atau pas bilang ijab.. pasti deg-deg ser gak karuan toh? 😛

Tau gak , Menurut Riset Kesehatan Dasar 2007 prevalensi nasional indoensia yang ngalami gangguan mental emosional (cemas dan depresi) berusia lebih dari 15 tahun mencapai 11,6 persen (sekitar 20 juta orang). and meningkat menjadi 15% tahun 2008 belum termasuk gangguan jiwa lainnya  (koran tempo, 2008)..(heemm… seereemm) -____-. Belum tahun ini 2013, so pasti tambah tinggi .. gimana enggak..BBM naik, harga sembako naik, imbasnya kebutuhan hidup yang lain ya ikut naik dong.. dan sayangnya gak didukung UMR dan kesejahteraan yang naik, dan akibatknya kepala dan hati bakal cenut cenut ngerasainnya.. 😦

Nih, cicha mau ngasih rekomendasi ditinjau dari gizi aja, perilaku gizi apa yang sebaiknya reader lakukan untuk meminimalkan depresi atau cemas tadi. . Kalo mau lebih holistic saran cicha tanya ke dokter and psikiater, atau holistic care healing (biasanya ada di kota besar sih). :P, siapa tau tingkat gangguan jiwanya jauh lebih extrime daripada depresi dan cemas.

Yap, 10 faktor yang mempengaruhi

1. Kondisi sosial ketika makan

ya, depresi dan cemas bisa makin parah ketika kamu gak nge-share permasalahan kamu ke orang lain. Trus apa dong hubungannya ma makan. Ya ada dung, dengan kamu makan with orang lain entah ortu, best friend, sister ato brother, kamu bakal mrasa lebih baik. Kamu lebih menghargai hidup bahwa didunia ini masih mau ada orang yang nemenin you. Haha #daleemm..

2. Konsumsi makanan organik.

Banyak penelitian said that makanan organik itu lebih sehat karena bebas bahan tambahan kimia. Tapi sayang, agak mahal..:(. Tapi tapi kalo kamu beneran concern, soal harga mah lewat..

3. Additive, ato Bahan Tambahan Makanan yang bersifat Additive (Ketagihan)

Tau gak, diperkirakan 3500 bahan kimia digunakan untuk food addtives oleh perusahaan makanan dan minuman . kayak MSG (Vitsin), Kata dokter jiwa cicha (pas ngajar kuliah maksudku), manusia yang makan MSG dkk, bagian otaknya (cortex depan) kalo gak salah bakalan rontok.. (seereemm). So, begin now, #yuk ganti beli ciki-ciki, kripik kripik ma sayur kukus, singkong rebus, kacang tanah (kayaknya lebih murah and dapet banyak).Ya, jadi inget kata dosen ku pas kuliah dulu, kenapa sih orang itu susah mau makan sehat? wong cuma 7 cm aja koq kerasanya .. 😀 #nice quote
4. Keseimbangan asupan makanan.

Sudah tau belum kalo all your food you intake mempengaruhi fungsi otak (termasuk ngatur mood and perilaku). Makanan yang seimbang bukan 4 sehat 5 sempurna lo.. (istilah itu udah jadul dan dirasa gak sesuai). Sekarang tuh istilah yang lagi ngetrend di Indonesia itu “Tumpeng Gizi Seimbang” udah pernah dengar, udah tahu maksudnya, udah paham? udang ngelakuin belon??? Nah, clik aja disini, lebih lengkap dari The Legend “Prof Sukirman” Ya, keseimbangan zat gizi dalam tubuh kita itu penting banget buat kesehatan mental kita. #yuk makan dengan gizi seimbang

6. Lemak / fats

Lemak itu gak semuanya jahat ada yang baik juga lo…. Lemak jahat itu yang sering kali mengelilinggi hidup kita (gorengan, jelantah, santan kelapa sawit, udang, lemak trans, lemak saturated (lemak jenuh)). Sementara itu, Ada banyak sumber lemak baik di alam yang indah ini. Kamu bisa dapetin dari ikan tuna, ikan salmon, atau ikan-ikanan yang lain, kacang tanah atau biji-bijian. Perlu reader tahu kalo otak kita itu 60 persen terdiri lemak (setengah dari komponen total penyusun otak kita).

Penelitian di Universitas Pittsburgh Amerika pada penderita bipolar disorders (Serem banget kalo ketemu orang kayak gini lo, gimana enggak dia bisa marah2 sampe puncak hanya masalah sepele, di tempat umum pula, dan bahkan ada temennya kakakku yang istrinya ngalamin ini sampe mau dicerai) Naudzubillah. #sekedar cerita buat diambil hikmah ). Penelitian ini mbuktiin kalo mereka yang makan jenis lemak baik (kaya omega 3) mengalami peningkatan kesehatan dan kesembuhan. Subhannallah banget ya lemak 🙂 So.. #yuk gemar makan ikan dan kacang-kacangan

7. Kontrol Gula Darah

Penelitian Brain Bio Centre said that kadar gula darah yang rendah seringkali menjadi faktor terbesar gangguan mood. #udah jangan diet ketat tanpa karbohidrat

8. Protein

Asupan protein mampu mempengaruhi fungsi dan kesehatan mental. Karena di otak itu ada neurotransmitter (analoginya kayak listrik atau setrum gitu) yang terbuat dari Protein (Asam Amino). Jenis protein yang sangat direkomendasikan buat kesehatan mental adalah jenis tryptofan. Ya, kamu bisa dapetin dari daging, ikan, telur atau kacang-kacangan. Bahkan ketika kamu kekurangan tryptofan kamu bisa mengalami depresi hanya dalam hitungan jam (seereemm part x). So #yuk makan ikan dan kacang-kacangan

9. Vitamin and Minerals.

Banyak vitamin dan mineral yang terbukti bagus untuk kesehatan mental kita.Seseorang yang kadar asam folat dalam darahnya rendah menunjukkan  kecenderungan untuk mengalami depresi dan kurang responsive ketika diberi obat anti-depresi. Selain Folat (B-9) defisiensi vitamin b3, b6, zinc dan magnesium juga memiliki hubungan dengan depresi. So.. #yuk gemak makan buah, sayur, kacang tanah, biji-bijian.

10. Minum minuman sehat.

Minum dari sumber yang sehat yaa, jangan dari air sumur (bukannya gaya), tapi plis ya itu bahan kimia dan logam belum dibebaskan :P. Kalo minum kopi secukupnya aja, ya maks.2 kali sehari. Kopi itu efeknya bagus juga buat mood kalo dikonsumsi dalam jumlah cukup dan sesuai. Bisa jadi mood booster malah. Ya saya paling gak trima kalo ada orang bilang kalo kopi itu buruk, plis ya gak ada makanan yang sempurna di dunia ini kecuali ASI. Selama kita dalam batas wajar, aman koq..

okay, let’s your food be your hearts medicine

Thanks for Reading

Xoxo (cicha)
Reference 27 Juli 2013 11.00

Watch your cholesterol intake early

Ni Hao Readers,

udang saus lemon

Now, we will learn about shrimp lemon sauce, “perkedel kentang”, and “tumis sawi wortel”

Yes, It was simple menu. Actually, the taste weren’t match.  I ate every single component of this menu. It better i thought. Haha

You have to underline or highlight this menu, because that were high in cholesterol and carbs for each meal three times a day. For carbs, its should 30% from total requirement, and cholesterol below 80 mg. Why I ate this? cause I was fasting. and i had to meets my nutrient requirement divided in two times meal each day. So.. please don’t confuse why my carbs and cholesterol were high.

Then, I am not recommend this menu for someone who have hyperlipidemia, hypercholesterol, obesity, overweight, gout arthritis, and hypertension. Because the carbs and cholesterol slighty high so that its can make severe the diseases.

Yes, the food that contribute high cholesterol are shrimp. 100 grams of shrimp will contain 195mg (65% DV) of cholesterol. A single large shrimp contains 11mg (4% DV), and an ounce of shrimp will provide around 55mg (18% DV).Read more at

Ingredients of menu were

rice (250 gr), potato (60 gr), carrot (50 gr), green cabbage 50 gr, shrimp 60 gr.

Yes, after read this articel. Let’s we concern with shrimp we eat. Make sure, you can eat in healthy portions.

Thanks for reading

xoxo (cicha)

Say Yellow, Say Orange, Say Green, Say White

Dear Readers,

jangan bayem

Actually, this was my previous menu. Hehe. I didn’t have spare time to update cause i have to take Mandarin Traditional Course. Yap, I begin loving Mandarin Language. Most of vocabulary contain syllable “c” and “s”. Yes, my sound ngeses ngeses.. :p

Okay, back to food picture above. Still remains, I ate traditional food. The contains of this menu are

rice (200 gr), tempeh (50 gr), tuna (75 gr), corn (25 gr), spinach (50 gr), and squah (30 gr).

I like its taste. The combination of taste like sweet, salty and savory, made my tounge was shaked. Such delicious menu i thought.

and what about the nutrition facts?

you can see that the nutrition facts is derived by 3 colours. Their are white (that mean appropiate comsumption), red (that mean high comsumption and you should reduce the source of its nutrients), then green (that mean safe and you can more consumption to reach the safe and healthy recommendation).

And you know that my menu was high in carbs. Yes, I feel so hungry :D. Please don’t try this at home

after analyze, what made my menu high in carbs? I know that the answer is corn and rice. Yes, previously. I didn’t think till there. I think that my carbs consumption is always meet my requirements. I also didn’t know that corn can contributes high calorie of carbs. Yess… for next menu i will more concious to eat rice and other sources of carbs.

Even though, this menu high in carbs. These are low fats and  low cholesterol. Yes, good reccomendation for patient with hyperlipidemia without obesity or overweight.

Yes, to increase prevention of chronic diseases, please add the fiber sources.


Let’s your food be your medicine (hippocrates)

Xoxo (cicha)

Web based Learning as Nutrition Education Media for Adolescent Girls (UNS, 2012)

This paper have published in Sebelas Maret University on April, 2012.  Alhamdulillah, its belong to The 25 Best Works at National Level.

okay let’s check it out the resume

Adolescents are transition period from childhood into adulthood. Adolescents girls are chance to prepare healthy generation in the future. Nutrition intervention in adolescent girls can break the circle of nutrition problems. Nutrition interventions since adolescent had given positive outcome that support achievement of Millenium Development Goals. One way to accelerate the outcome, we can use web based learning (WBL) as nutrition education. Web learning was easily accessed and learned. The evidence said that adolescent period used internet intensively, so it gave a chance to make them learn nutrition. This study aimed to know how the role, design and effectivity of web based learning as nutrition education media for adolescent girls. Study methods were written descriptive and explorative, the data were qualitative and quantitative, the sources were books and journals. Collecting method was literature study, then filter the appropriate resources,analyzed,  intrepeted,  and made a conclusion. Filtering data were done by cross study between collecting data and based on descriptive method. The conclusion method answered the problem of research. The discussion, web based learning was attractive learning method, that can be packaged intensively with other users, and gave more information then good virtual design. Besides, WBL could improve the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviour of users. to optimalize the effectivity of WBL idea, the components were information portal, assesment, information revision, user ID, competition and networking. In information portal, we should to inform the growth of adolescent  girls, how to achieve ideal weight, nutrition problems on adolescent girls, essential nutrition, nutrition requirement, mass media, adolescent eating behaviour, self -concept, and physical activity.Other applications were food diary, essential news, and frequently asked questions. Finally, the conclusion, WBL were one of alternative to solve nutrition problems in adolescent girls, its improved their knowledge, attitudes, skills, and behaviour.


Thanks for reading

Xoxo (cicha)

Rainbow Traditional Food Part II

Dear readers,

Still about my dish and rainbow food. I think Healthy Rainbow foods are contain of various kinds of colours  from nature. Not like today, that definite rainbow food from artificial colours. Nature colours of Foods are gift from God that should be grateful. Its given a lot of health benefits for human. Its can prevent various cancers, stress oxidative, chronic disease like hyperlipidemia, obesity and etc. Besides this its make our food looks beautiful.

Why should we eat rainbow foods ? Because, no perfect food, no miracle food in the world except breast milk, So we should to complete our nutrition requirement from various kinds of different colours.

Red colour contain of lycopen and antocianin –> prevent prostat cancer –> discovered in tomato, rose apple, etc

Blue or purple contain of antocianin –> delay aging and dementia –> discovered in blueberry, kismis, grapes, etc

Green contain of chlorofil pigmen, lutein, zeaxhantin, vitamins and minerals –> delay aging, prevent cancers,

Yellow or orange –> source of vitamin C and carotene –> improve imun, delay aging, prevent cancers

White –> antozantin flavonoid –> improve imun.


Besides, not only antioxidant benefits we get, but also the others nutrient (carbs, fiber, stanol, sterol, and etc). okay!

This menu contain of

rice (200 gr), “krupuk puli” 10 gr, mix soup (potatos, carrots, brocolli, beef ribs) 120 gr, tempeh (40 gr), shrimp (60 gr), beef ribs (grilled) 20 gr.

You can imitate this menu in the picture above, but you should more concern the source of cholesterol (beef ribs or shrimp).. reduce please, for more healthier menu.hehe

Thanks for reading

xoxo (cicha)

Rainbow Traditional Food Part 1

Hello readers,

This picture below is my previous menu on Monday, July 15. Its look beautiful and delicious. Many kinds of colour, that are yellow, green, red, orange, white, and brown. Nutrition Expert said that we should eat different colours of food at least five per day. Why ? Because each food especially fruits and vegetables contain of various antioxidants, vitamins, and mineral. These give many benefits for our health physically and mentally.




This menu contain of

mix red rice and white rice (200 gr), apple (1 Pcs), yellow sweet corn (50 gr), “buah blinjo” (30 gr), long beans (40 gr), soy beans sprouts (20 gr), squash (20 gr), tuna (70 gr), tempeh (50 gr), “krupuk” (10 gr)

Overall, this menu is healthy. But, the energy slightly high. I’m not include the grams of carbs. whereas the carbs are 64,5% from total energy. I’m sorry. I have forgotten to include. And I’m so lazy to make revision. hehe. peace …

Yeep, if you wanna try this menu. You can reduce the rice and apple :D. Both of foods are source of energy.

Happy eat

Be Healthy and Let’s your food be your medicine.


Xoxo (cicha)

Cool Green


Good Morning All…


This my previous style, three weeks ago. I wore these when i had a training in Malang, Indonesia. I wanna tell a little bit about that. I’m wearing my favorite shirt. It made of “Batik”, came from Cirebon (Mega Mendung Pattern). five months ago, my parents have visited my family in there. And they bought 2 meters batik cloth for me. I like this colour and pattern. And this design make me young and cute…hehe. I think.

IMG_3149 - Copy

I combined these model with brown khimar. It’s looks matching i think.  But, you can use another colour like green leaves. You can apply this shirt to go office or hangout. If you wanna formal you can use a fabric pants.  But, don’t match this with skirt. :P. Absolutely not match.

Thanks for reading

Xoxo (cicha)

Dietary Plan Guide To Beat Belly Fat

Dear Readers..

Yep, I wanna resume the dietary plan to beat belly fat. This is special request from my brother Tito. Two days ago, he said that he feel fat, he looks fat, and he have ugly belly. Hahaha, may be he is not confident as he will marry next January 214. He wanna looks handsome and have sexy belly may be :P. Okay, time to see the point

belly fat

The big problems that keep most people from ever getting a flat belly and losing weight for life are

  1. They are eating the wrongs food. Yes, may be they are overweight or obesity. They have eaten bad fats, over calories and craving with obesity additives foods. Indeed, less physical activity
  2. They are not drinking enough water. The lack of water can slow down the fat metabolism in liver.

The recommendation dietary plan should be follow are:

1.  For the first you can choose general dietary guideline, these are :

a. “Tumpeng Gizi” (your dietary guideline along day

–          And you can combine with The New American Plate (your dietary guideline each meal), u can see in my previous posting.

–          Remember you will realize these general guideline in every meal and every single day. 😀 Good luck

–          To decide personalize dietary requirement you can use these website

           Note : u can decide specific goal for your weight (if you are overweight or obese)

–         To know what is your nutrition status please come to this site


–        To lose weight healthy, you have to lose 2 kgs per month. Instant lose weight is not good for your health, your body metabolism           will shock.

–        And then, calculate your nutrient requirement and dietary plan. You can join and create profile

This site also prodive physical activity requirement, food combo, and etc… And you can print the page, you can consult with               the coach FREELY.

I think American People is so kind. They share to the public freely. Thanks America !

2.       Please Note that to beat belly fat. You must CHOOSE HIGH QUALITY FAT. Yeeppiii …it is MUFA (Monounsaturated Fatty Acids).

belly fat burning foods

The MUFA diet is will be one of the easiest diets you have ever followed.  Because you replace unhealthy, bad cholesterol raising fats with good cholesterol fats, you will lose weight AND increase your heart. Experts agree eliminating foods with fat just doesn’t work.

MUFA stands for monounsaturated fatty acids. MUFA’s are labeled as good fats because they help raise beneficial cholesterol levels.  Focus on unprocessed foods which do not contain trans fat, saturated fat or animal-based fat. Check nutrition labels to find foods containing unsaturated fat such as sesame, olive, sunflower, walnut, flax seed and soybean oil. Always look for extra virgin, unrefined oils.  Other high MUFA foods are raw almonds, walnuts, flax seeds, raw nut butters, avocados and black olives.

Spanish researchers recently published a study showing that eating a diet rich in MUFAs can actuallyhelp prevent weight gain in your belly. The researcher s looked at the effect of three different diets—one high in saturated fat, another high in carbohydrates, and a third rich in MUFAs—on a group of patients with abdominal fat distribution. All three diets cont ained the same number of calories, but only the MUFA diet was found to reduce the accumulation of belly fat  and, more specifically, visceral belly fat. The key to this diet is to replace at least 50 percent or all of y our daily fat consumption with MUFA fats. It is important to remember the total caloric intake needs to remain below 2000 calories a day (Wright, Rebecca.2013) . The Example of MUFA Meals are These MUFA calories, can combine/add with total calories that you require along day.

3.   Shrink Fat Cells

A recent study found that those who ate three yogurts a day while dieting lost 81% more belly fat than people who didn’t eat yogurt. All study participants were directed to eat 500 calories less per day. As part of the Flat Belly Plan, you should eat about 6 ounces of low-fat Greek yogurt before every meal. Why? It’s thought that calcium can help stop fat from entering your cells, improve your body’s ability to break down fat and help your body carry out fat through your bowel movements

4. Reduce Inflammation

The next part of the plan aims to reduce inflammation. Belly fat has been linked to inflammation and elevated cortisol (the stress hormone). Belly fat is even thought to be “toxic” to your system as it releases chemicals into your body that wreak havoc on your appetite and the way your body metabolizes food. That’s why anti-inflammatory foods are thought to be effective in fighting belly fat and breaking the vicious cycle. As part of the Flat Belly Plan, have an anti-inflammatory snack in the afternoon. Snacks should be rich in flavonoids, which are powerful antioxidants that help curb inflammation. They’re the natural compounds that give berries and other fruits their vibrant color. Try a sliced yellow bell pepper with hummus or a bowl of mixed berries drizzled with dark chocolate. Click here for more anti-inflammatory food suggestions.

5. Beat Bloat

Drink ginger iced tea with mint and lemon to reduce bloat! Ginger naturally aids digestion, mint helps to reduce gas, and lemon             juice is rich in antioxidants. Follow the recipe below and sip on this Flat Belly Tea all day long.


6. Please Exercise to beat belly fat 

for more info click on

Good Luck

Thanks for reading.

Xoxo (cicha)

So Special :D

Hello Readers,

Let’s see the picture below… eng ing enggg….


My beloved Mom cooked this menu yesterday. As daughter, i only helped preparing dish, frying tempeh, making a tea, and washing dishes. Haha #perhaps,I’m not believeable to cook :D. But, I always gives menus idea to my Mom. And she always realize what i want. Thanks mama :*

In this picture, you will see a big portion of my dish. haha. Yes, it is represent my nutrient requirement. 😀

You see my appetizer. I called “Pudding Kurma Fla Putih”. Yes, it was so sweet. The Strawberry Pudding was sweet. The Kurmas also sweet, and the fla too. Tripled sweets.. Fortunately, it didn’t make me sleepy when i prayed “tarowih”. hehe. The Pudding contributes many calories. The total calories i have eaten are approximately 78o cal.

And, in the left picture you see my simple nutritious menu. This contain of :

rice (100 gr), tofu (20 gr), tempeh (40 gr), green cabbage (100 gr) (stir fy method), “krupuk puli” (10 gr), beef (50 gr) (rendang), and the last 1 pcs of fuji apple.

Yes, i think this menu more perfect than previous. Perfect in size, combination, nutrient and colour …:P.

Good luck to try …

Thanks For Reading

Xoxo (cicha)


Good Food Good Mood :D

Dear Readers,

Let’s see my iftar menu yesterday…taaaraaa 😀

mujahir panggang, 13 juli

You see Traditional Indonesia Food. This are  contain of

Rice (120 gr), sweet corn (50 gr), “mujair” fish (75 gr),  cassava leaves (25 gr), bean sprouts (15 gr), grated young coconut (20 gr), young papaya (100 gr), coconut milk (30 gr), “krupuk rambak” 10 gr

If you wanna try, the green colour of nutrient show that these are good for you (healthy adults). But, you have to make special attention with protein. For the next meal, you should calculate your protein consumption so your protein requirement per day no more than 100%.

Indeed. You can modify this menu.You can reduce the fats from coconut milk or grated young coconut or “krupuk rambak”. And for you that have hypertension you can give a few of salt from external sources.


Be healthy and Let’s your food be your medicine (Hippocrates)

xoxo (cicha)