So Special :D

Hello Readers,

Let’s see the picture below… eng ing enggg….


My beloved Mom cooked this menu yesterday. As daughter, i only helped preparing dish, frying tempeh, making a tea, and washing dishes. Haha #perhaps,I’m not believeable to cook :D. But, I always gives menus idea to my Mom. And she always realize what i want. Thanks mama :*

In this picture, you will see a big portion of my dish. haha. Yes, it is represent my nutrient requirement. 😀

You see my appetizer. I called “Pudding Kurma Fla Putih”. Yes, it was so sweet. The Strawberry Pudding was sweet. The Kurmas also sweet, and the fla too. Tripled sweets.. Fortunately, it didn’t make me sleepy when i prayed “tarowih”. hehe. The Pudding contributes many calories. The total calories i have eaten are approximately 78o cal.

And, in the left picture you see my simple nutritious menu. This contain of :

rice (100 gr), tofu (20 gr), tempeh (40 gr), green cabbage (100 gr) (stir fy method), “krupuk puli” (10 gr), beef (50 gr) (rendang), and the last 1 pcs of fuji apple.

Yes, i think this menu more perfect than previous. Perfect in size, combination, nutrient and colour …:P.

Good luck to try …

Thanks For Reading

Xoxo (cicha)


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